Friday, June 7, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend-No Rest for the Weary!

I was under the impression that I might rest during the 3-day Memorial weekend, but then I decided that I could be productive and proceeded to exhaust myself. I started out the mini-vacation from work by doing yard work on Friday evening with my husband which resulted in a nice, clean shaven yard and about 3 feet being chopped off my forsythia (my neighbor laughed at me from his porch. A 5'4" lady tackling an 8' tall hedge that is 3' around is a silly sight.)

Saturday we had to haul all those branches to my parents' house because you can't burn in my town and I didn't know what else to do with 2 vehicle loads of murdered nature. I thought that was all I would do, but then it snowballed into cleaning and decorating.
Like buying curtains, then realizing that those curtains weren't dark enough for a day sleeper like my husband. So we bought some black out fabric and rigged our own set up by using ring clips and a bungee cord to add a removable, adjustable blackout curtain behind the gorgeous setup I snagged from Marshall's. 

Finally did some sprucing up of the new console table (coffee table is bare and has been here longer, I need to work on that).

And here is the promised picture of the porch. Since this photo was taken, the wisteria (the vine engulfing the porch) has taken over about 90% of the railings and the parts it missed, the clematis took care of...

I would have posted this sooner but I took a week to catch up on some Doctor Who. I'm behind quite a bit so I have made progress this week. 

What did you do over your holiday? 

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