Sunday, August 26, 2012

Recent Projects-Lessons Learned

I know I have been slacking, I was just focused on other things... For example making my last max level toon on World of Warcraft (I now have a max toon of every class.... till next month when the expansion comes out...)

I did complete a few things around the house though.
When I last posted about the bedroom I flaunted my dresser. But I didn't have the mirror up. It took a month of it sitting in the living room before I told my husband that it had to be done this weekend. So it was taken care of Friday night. It is much larger than I am used to and I have been startled a number of times seeing my own reflection out of the corner of my eye.

We also snatched up a nice bed set before they (whoever they is) decides that teal, turquoise, aqua and every shade of said colors are no longer popular and cease to make them.

I also took on what turned out to be a much more expensive and frustrating project: 

Blurry like Bigfoot and just as large and difficult to paint.

Our kitchen table was a huge pain to re-do. I was so angry all day and easily could have taken the same amount of money that I spent on spray paint to buy a less than durable new table at Walmart. It has taught me a couple of valuable lessons.

1. Go with the best paint. I almost always use Krylon, but the color I wanted to use on the chairs was not for sale at Wal-mart so my only option to buy it in Krylon was to spent double at Michael's. So I used Valspar, which is also a good brand. I used it for all the handles and other detail work in the bedroom. 
Boy did my eyes open! Valspar cans were NOT made for large items! The nozzle is not focused enough so I'm pretty sure that more paint went around the chairs than on them. And when it did hit the chairs it POURED on and they don't look nearly as nice as they should.

2. "If you are good at something, do it yourself." I asked my husband to help and while he did an good job and I appreciated his help, I'm pretty sure I could have done the same coverage with much less paint. Combined with the above fact about Valspar, that is a lot of wasted paint. I had to make 2 trips to Lowes.

3. Don't rush. The weather forecast had a 0-10% chance of precipitation all day, but the sky would constantly get dark so I was constantly worried. So I rushed. That just made things worse. Then I went to Walmart to get more white paint and I got one gloss and one dual primer/flat. I was in such a hurry that I didn't realize the cashier just scanned the more expensive one twice thinking they were the same. I didn't go back in because I was in a hurry and frustrated and while it was just like $2... with all the other money I dropped on paint that day I was a raving maniac over those $2. (Also the lady should have taken the extra freaking 30 seconds to pick up the other can!!)

Overall I do really like the table and it makes the room much more cheery.

But I learned a lot and I apologize to my dear, dear Krylon. I will never forsake thee again.

Also, I made this super crummy wreath today. I had seen one really awesome one on Pinterest and my mom had an extra grape vine wreath that was collecting dust, so I put this together... It is not nearly as cute as I was hoping. 

I'm sure the fact that the wreath itself is probably older than I am and has been buried in a basement doesn't help.

1 comment:

  1. Stacy! I love-ity love love your blue dresser pulls and kitchen chairs. That's an amazing color. A lot of times these projects take more time/money than we think they would, but I hope you are happy with the way the kitchen set turned out. I think it looks great!

    Following you along in my reader now!


I would love to know your opinions, tips and input!