Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Doodles, Rawrs, and a Car full of Nasty

It is amazing how my Wednesday schedule never reflects what I originally intended. I guess that is why people don’t put themselves on schedules… At least it isn't 11 at night!
SPOILER: This blog post is 90% World of Warcraft.... as is the same with my life for the past 5 or 6 years.
I thought about all my different personas and how I am depicted in the various games I play. We all want things personalized for us and even if it isn’t anything like us, we create a character that is unique. And then everyone chooses to refer to us and see us differently…
For example, my online handle has been Serestia for many years. I use it for email, games, websites, etc. I thought of the name one day and have used it ever since. Of course it has been used in other things like some online game called Atlantica? Maybe? I haven’t looked that much into it. But when you google Serestia, I am the bulk of what comes up (I used to be all that came up-stupid name stealers!)
Serestia is also the name of my mage on WoW, my first real character that I put work into. You prolly noticed this cute lil’ gal over on the side ->. I made her to look like my mage (somewhat) and it took forever! There are hundreds of clothing choices so it was hard to make a decision. You can make your own too by clicking on it.
In my boredom the other day I drew a couple of doodles of my mage and my shaman. Since I don’t have a scanner, I just took a pic with my phone.
Serestia a.k.a. "Mage"


(FYI, the only thing more difficult than drawing a draenei, is drawing one with goggles. So I left those off...

This week I have finally gotten two things in game that I have wanted for a long time:
The ZG Raptor Mount (All my luck for the year was spent on this moment!) and the Drake from all those long days of Tol Barad dailies (Though I realize I should have purchased the much needed trinket instead…)

On my lunch break today I smelled something in the car that smelled a little yucky. It wasn't till I got back to work that I discovered a gallon of milk that had been in the car since Monday night! I almost threw up ><
Once I picked it up and threw it in the dumpster it stirred up the hot nasty curdled milk smell and now that whole car smells like... like... smell that is gonna make me puke.
I sprayed it down with air freshener, but I can still smell it. We're going to hit up Target and buy tons of air fresheners and hang them around the car to see it that helps.

I also have a secret agenda to buy some shelving for the guest bedroom and possibly cushions for the outside chairs.

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