Monday, September 26, 2011

Quick Notes

I'm alive. I've just had nothing to write about.

Today was an incredibly busy (and cold) day. I sat freezing at my parents' house for their yard sale and sold two pairs of my shoes then hustled to help set up for a Baby shower. Once I set up my platters and helped with the prep work I turned into a rogue and vanished. Came home and worked on my tankadin #2 on WoW then went back to help clean up. I'm glad it was a success and hope the mother was thrilled with her gifts and to see her loved ones.

Outside is very cold (44 degrees!). My house is not much warmer. Our heater acts like it is on, but nothing is coming out of the vents. And of course our home warranty ran out in August. We are debating what to do at this point. Do we renew the warranty and have another bill every month? ($44/month) Do we look for someone to do an estimate and hope it's not too much?
Or do we shiver by space heaters (after getting space heaters) and hope we don't freeze to death?

On a more positive note, I was very happy though to step on the scale Thursday and see that I had lost more weight. I've lost a total of at least 26.6lbs so far! Which means I will be even colder this winter... huzzah?

I hope to have some more really great news within the next couple of weeks too. I would be immensely happy if so and you'll all know about it!

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