Sunday, November 11, 2012


I feel very accomplished so far this weekend and I still have a few hours left! I was (against my own will) up at 7:30 am Saturday morning and by noon I had trimmed and mowed most of the yard, made a huge container of chicken noodle soup, painted a bookshelf, ran errands, did laundry, washed and put away dishes, painted some wall art, and worked on someone's DIY Christmas present (I have one present down for one person that I bought the last piece Friday!)

My husband experience the joy (frustration) of applying contact paper to cheap wood with me yesterday evening and when it was done there were a few problems but he just screamed "It's FINE! I'm DONE!"

While a close inspection would prove impurities, I am really happy with the over all results!

Before with the shelves removed (Cat in the way as usual)

After (Before I loaded it up)

Loaded with all our crap

I realize that in the photos with all the stuff on the shelf it isn't very impressive, but MAN does it make the room a lot more cheery! It is the brightest thing in this room and the most decorative.  We are hoping to fix that soon though!

I'm considering painting my paper trays red to spread the love, but that means another trip to (ugh) Wal-mart to get more paint.

What else can I get done before Monday!?

What did YOU accomplish this weekend?

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