There are many ways to contribute to the Hurricane Relief via texting, outreach ministries through many churches, or even some of your favorite retailers.
Blizzard will be having a digital pet download up soon for WoW that will also result in contributions being made to relief funds.
With that being said, on with the recap.
As I said we had odd weather, which included snow with about 4" here and 1-2' in the mountains. As a result of the weeks of nonstop rain and snow and slush and overall yuck, the postponed Trick or Treat to November 1. I guess since the kids were all suffering from cabin fever they were ravenous as well as I ran out of candy almost an hour before ToT was supposed to end. And I had a lot.
We also didn't have our normal Halloween party due to a bundle of issues that came up with everyone.
But we had some wicked cool costumes this year!
My friend was Rose the Riveter and it was FANTASTIC! She even made a great backdrop for photos!
I had planned on being Indiana Jones the year before but decided to do my gypsy costume first, so Indy was postponed to this year. My husband kept his costume hush hush, but when he walked in the room I laughed so hard and chuckled all night long.
Harrison Ford x2!
He decided since I was going to be Harrison Ford he would be too! And his mom he worked hard making a really neat Han Solo costume. We didn't get pictures of every aspect of his costume, but she went to great lengths to create small pouches on the belt and many other little details.
After about 15 minutes of trying to get a good picture of Xerxes with the backdrop this was the only non-blurry one we could get. Cats aren't very good models.
In home decor news...
The spare room is coming along slowly since we can't get the furniture we need for it right now. But I did get some window treatments up and I have some ideas for wall decor with one piece waiting to be painted.
We have been doing some crazy cleaning lately too and my husband worked his butt off to clean the carpet. It looks brand new!!! I was astounded. I couldn't speak... I just spat out gibberish. My coworker suggested peroxide and holy crap! The results are amazing!!! Our carpet was horrendous in some areas and... wow.. I just...
Speaking of carpet, you may want to consider the below if you had new carpet within the last couple of years.
We had new carpet when we moved into our house (August 2010). After we moved in the furniture, the carpet fiber kicked up was a pain. We vacuumed so much that the vacuum became a mess and is now dead (it was brand new in 2007). The fibers are mostly gone from the carpet, but while I was upgrading my computer's OS I decided to clean out my keyboard. What did I find? (Besides chips and cat hair...) CARPET! Lots of it! Unnecessary amounts of carpet fibers! IN MY KEYBOARD!
So if you have newer carpet, you may want to start carefully popping keys off and check inside your computer tower too. The tower makes sense cause it is on the floor and the processor fan and whatnot... but the keyboard?!
This is why we can't have nice things. It is also part of the reason why we have respiratory issues.
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