Friday, December 23, 2011

I'm not dead, it's the holidays... Or am I?

The holidays never seemed busy growing up, but this year has been much different. Lots of firsts and lots of fun.

Since my last post, we had Thanksgiving (I made green bean casserole for the first time and it was pretty darn good! I used cream of chicken soup and it was tasty!).

My husband and I actually went out on Black Friday at midnight, but for specific things. He dropped me at Kohl's and I rushed in to grab a set of luggage and he grabbed gifts at GameStop.

My friend loaned me Oblivion and I've essentially spent every free moment playing it and wishing I had Skyrim (we will be getting it soon though... so I will disappear again...)

And then we celebrated our 4 year anniversary on December 8th with Olive Garden (mmmm so delicious).

Of course amidst all this, there was Christmas shopping, a church Christmas party and lots of baking. I feel like I've baked more cookies this year than in the last few years combined.

With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I find that I have no Christmas spirit. I've tried everything, baking, putting up Christmas decorations, music... I just am not feeling it this year. I think it started at Halloween. I was absolutely infuriated that my favorite holiday was being overshadowed by Christmas. Halloween is a big deal in our house; the most wonderful time of the year. Yet when we went places, the decoration selection was pathetic! Why? Because there was Christmas stuff!!! IN OCTOBER! What the heck is wrong with you retail jerkwads.

Here is my opinion retail industry: You put out decorations and stuff really early. As a result, people are SICK of Christmas before it even gets close to December. As a result, people will become less and less enthused about all Christmas related traditions. In the end, your sales will drop and you will have a poor year in business.

Here is my suggestion: No Christmas talk or products go out until the week of Thanksgiving.
Give time for Turkey and thankfulness, and for goodness sake, don't you DARE put Santa crap near my severed heads!!

But I digress or else Krampus will come dismember me... I'm gonna post twice because this post is too angry to include the pictures upcoming in the next post.

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